The GEN-3994A is a very good-souding boombox with vertical LED meters.

Montgomery Ward GEN-3994

This boombox was priced at $179 in Ward's 1981 catalog. It seems to be pretty rare, as there aren't many photos of it on Google. And few collectors know about it, because they're too busy chasing models everyone else owns, like the JVC M70 and Conion C100. And that's a shame, because the sound quality of this little guy is VERY good.....unexpectedly good for a department store brand. Despite only having a Tone knob instead of separate Bass and Treble knobs, it delivers a nice broad sound spectrum with warm bass and crisp treble. And the vertical LED output meters are a visual treat!

It was made by Shin-Shirasuna of Japan. There was another version of it sold outside America called the Silver ST-747. But the circuitry inside is almost completely different.



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